Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Benefits of having some 'extra time'

Well well, I've rejoined the ranks of the unemployed thanks to ~1/2 of the workforce at work getting laid off (just over 350 people). Upside, is that I've been able to get some really nice rides in lately.

The weather has been terrific (no need for extra layers or arm warmers). Saturday I went with some guys from the shop out to Darlingford to do some hill repeats (hill repeats are when you ride up and down the same hills to get a good workout in a short amount of time). It was good and hard. We passed this sign on the way to the valley we would be going into, then out of, then into, then out of, then into, then out of... how many is that? Either way, did 6 climbs that day over 65km

Sebastian(left) and Marion (coach):

Dr. T with a good suffer face going on:

Panoramic shot stitched together with Photoshop:

and last but not least.
Sebastian eating a banana:

what a great picture.

Then Monday, I hit Birds hill park for a few laps. Tuesday I rode up past Selkirk for another 80km. I got a cramp on the way back, and was having troubles holding on, gotta drink more fluids.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sick Day

Well, I'm not sick.
But Abby is today, so we stayed home from church.
Abby was watching some TV, so I decided to tie a Fly. After I had finished she came in and wanted to "make a bug too". So we made another one together.
Abby's first Fly. A "Woolly Bugger" she picked the colors and helped cut some of the excess feathers and tail with the 'Abby-sized scissors'. We'll see later this year if it will catch something.